Receive, juggle, pass

Who, me?

Hello!  Thanks for visiting.  I hope there’s something useful here for you here.

I’m a husband, and father of six.  My wife Jennifer and I have made our home in Corvallis, Oregon for nearly 30 years.  Our six children range in age from 12 up to 24.  In every area of life it feels like we are on a journey of discovery .  I like to mull things over, and find that I benefit from thinking out loud.  Hence, this blog.

I am, as I mentioned in one of my posts, a soccer coach, an organic church proponent, transportation nerd, professional engineer, (former) bike shop owner, cargo bike enthusiast, cycling instructor, wanna be amateur sociologist, and struggling-to-advance disciple-maker.  Jesus is the point.

I believe that in a real sense, the church is where you are, if you are a follower of Jesus Christ.  I don’t mean it in a comprehensive sense.  I, alone, am not the church, but I am the manifestation of the church at my bike shop.  As I work, and as I interact with those who come through my door, I have the opportunity to reflect the reality of the Kingdom and its King.  Even better, as I walk along with other believers – in my shop or in my neighborhood or wherever – we together manifest the church.

Read, comment, share.  I enjoy dialog, so feel free to push back or ask questions.

PS   This is a non-thuggy picture of me.



  1. Ben Cooper

    I like your picture Dan! The tools in the background especially speak well of your personality. Also, reminds me of the Andrew Peterson song “Tools”. In case you don’t recall it goes something like this: “Well, he said that I could take what I could use… faith and love and hope are what I carried home, their rusty but they work as good as new… tools.”

  2. Dan

    Thanks Ben! I added a second picture, ’cause Jen wasn’t too sure about that first one.

    I like the Andrew Peterson reference, and the song in particular. And, AP brings to mind something I didn’t put in the profile above, and that is collaboration! He is a great example of someone who has created space and welcomed others into it to do beautiful and creative things. I’d like see some of that happen!

  3. Tim

    Send me your email so I can give you my plan for IC to organic transformation in your neighborhood.

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